Background/Objectives: Omega-3 fatty acids (n-3), recognized for their anti-inflammatory and brain health benefits, are being studied to enhance cognitive function, aid physical recovery, and reduce injury rates among military service members (SMs). Given the unique demands faced by this tactical population, this systematic review aims to evaluate the evidence of n-3 to support physical and mental resilience and overall performance. Methods: This review was conducted in accordance with Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines and includes articles that assessed n-3 status or implemented n-3 interventions in relation to physical and cognitive performance, recovery, and injury outcomes (2006 to 2024). Of the 1606 articles yielded in screening through Covidence, 755 were irrelevant, leaving 226 studies for full-text eligibility. Of those 226 studies, 165 studies were excluded, and 61 studies were included in this review. Results: The results highlighted evidence-based findings in five key areas where omega-3 fatty acids are being evaluated to benefit military service members. These key areas include cardiopulmonary function, exercise recovery, cognitive function, injury recovery, and strength and power. While existing research suggests promising benefits, the most significant evidence was seen with cardiopulmonary function, exercise recovery, and cognitive function. Conclusions: Current research is promising and shows potential benefits, but the results are inconclusive and inconsistent. Future research is needed to determine optimal n-3 status, dose, and possibly type of n-3 across the various performance outcomes. Understanding these gaps in research will be essential to creating evidence-based n-3 guidelines for optimal performance of SMs.


Consistent Quality For Over 20 Years
Each lot of Gateway seal oil has been subject to thorough examination.

A Newfoundland Blessing
Gateway is a licensed Natural Health Product by Health Canada.
From Newfoundland to your home, our product is 100% Canadian.

Tested & Trusted
Gateway Omega-3 meets or exceeds the standards set by Canadian Food Inspection Agency and Health Canada for harp seal oil.
Canada's commercial seal harvest is the most closely watched and strictly regulated animal harvest in the world. Fisheries and Oceans Canada sets a total allowable catch (TAC), which is the upper limit of what can be harvested commercially in any given year.
The TAC is determined each year based on population sustainability, scientific advice and industry consultation. The harp seal population is sustainable and has grown in size by roughly four times since the 1970s.
Our Pledge
Gateway will only purchase seal products from harvesters who respect and meet our commitment to the humane, professional and sustainable harvest of harp seals.
Gateway will not purchase, process, or market any seal product obtained:
- from baby seals (white coats)
- from pregnant or lactating mother seals
- from anyone harvesting strictly for their body parts
- from anyone convicted of violating any rule or regulation established by the Government of Canada for the preservation and protection of seals.
Our Support
Gateway strongly supports the need for a humane, professional and sustainable harvest of this rich and abundant natural marine resource.
Why do we support Canada's Seal Harvest
1. The Harvest is Humane in Canada
2. Full-Use Animal: harp seals are used for oil, pelts, meat, blubber, and life-saving heart valves that are superior to other heart valves.
3. Harp Seals Are Not Endangered in Canada
4. It is illegal to Harvest Baby Seals
5. Population Control: to ensure the long-term stability of the seal population, and also to protect other marine
6. Highly Regulated: Fisheries and Oceans Canada monitors the harvest on land, sea and air to ensure strict management.
7. Supported by Wildlife Organizations
8. Economic and Cultural Importance: the seal harvest is economically viable, employing thousands of Canadians each year.
Improving innate immunity has been suggested to block progression of COVID-19 at early stages, while omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFAs) have been shown to have immunomodulation effects. Moreover, n-3 PUFAs have also been shown to improve mood disorders