Seal Oil
Seal oil contains naturally balanced levels of EPA, DHA and DPA.
Seal oil contains significant amounts of omega-3 fatty acids known as EPA and DHA. In addition, seal oil also contains a significant amount of a third omega-3 essential fatty acid called DPA, which is found in very low amounts in fish oils.
Seal oil (containing EPA, DHA and DPA) is a significant component of the diet amongst the Inuit of northern Quebec as well as those in other countries (Greenland and elsewhere) where it has been a staple of their traditional diet for generations. The entire dietary intake of EPA, DHA and DPA in the latter human populations is reflected in the corresponding higher levels of these three omega-3 fatty acids in their circulation.
All omega-3 fatty acids from marine mammal sources are considered to be readily incorporated into body tissues. Interventional studies with seal oil supplementation (containing natural DPA in addition to EPA and DHA) have indicated a significant elevation in the circulating levels of all three omega-3 fatty acids.
The distribution of fatty acids in seal oil differs from that of fish oil. Chemical analysis of the structure of seal oil shows that EPA, DHA and DPA are mainly distributed in the first and third position, compared to fish which is mainly in the second position. Seals, like humans, are mammals.
Therefore, seal oil triglycerides have the same first and third distribution of fatty acids as human triglycerides. The fact that seal oil triglycerides have the same structure as the triglycerides of humans ensures that seal oil is readily digested and the omega-3 fatty acids routed by the same pathways to where they are most needed.
The position of fatty acids in seal oil is considered superior to fish oil because it allows for faster digestion, and ultimately absorption, of EPA, DHA and DPA.